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Tuscany Region

Buildings by the color of ripe wheat, winding hills that ripple gently, marked here and there by steep ravines. The pastures dotted with sheep, are framed by tall cypress trees and spring are covered with red poppies. This part of the region, with its beautiful scenery, is home to some of the most famous towns of Tuscany: the steep and isolated Montepulciano and the old bastion of Monteriggioni with its 14 defensive towers; the village of San Gimignano, Siena and many other …

Offers insights of great interest, fantastic landscapes and uncrowded. The proximity of the Inn to the arteries of communications that lead to Rome and Florence, make the area easily visited.

East Tuscany


1) Cortona – Arezzo
2) Castiglione del Lago – Citta della Pieve – Paciano – Panicale
3) Isola Polvese – Isola Maggiore
4) Montepulciano – Pienza
5) Bagno Vignone – San Quirico D’orcia – Montalcino

Central Tuscany

1) Montepulciano – Pienza
2) Monteriggioni – San Gimignano – Siena
3) Montalcino – Abbazia di Sant Antimo – San Quirico d’Orcia – Bagno Vignoni
4) Sarteano e Cetona
5) Firenze


Tuscany Region

Buildings by the color of ripe wheat, winding hills that ripple gently, marked here and there by steep ravines. The pastures dotted with sheep, are framed by tall cypress trees and spring are covered with red poppies. This part of the region, with its beautiful scenery, is home to some of the most famous towns of Tuscany: the steep and isolated Montepulciano and the old bastion of Monteriggioni with its 14 defensive towers; the village of San Gimignano, Siena and many other …

Offers insights of great interest, fantastic landscapes and uncrowded. The proximity of the Inn to the arteries of communications that lead to Rome and Florence, make the area easily visited.

East Tuscany


1) Cortona – Arezzo
2) Castiglione del Lago – Citta della Pieve – Paciano – Panicale
3) Isola Polvese – Isola Maggiore
4) Montepulciano – Pienza
5) Bagno Vignone – San Quirico D’orcia – Montalcino

Central Tuscany

1) Montepulciano – Pienza
2) Monteriggioni – San Gimignano – Siena
3) Montalcino – Abbazia di Sant Antimo – San Quirico d’Orcia – Bagno Vignoni
4) Sarteano e Cetona
5) Firenze



Small villages with medieval and Roman walls or Etruscan families who live in the old generation of stone and brick houses, vineyards, fields of sunflowers, olive groves: Umbria is that and much more.

The rural part of the country dotted with medieval villages, gentle slopes and planted vineyards. Its territory is similar to Toscano especially in the northern part of Umbria, but wilder cared less and characterized by beautiful nature with rock formations.
West Umbria


1) Sul lago
Cose da vedere:
– Castiglione del Lago – Citta della Pieve – Paciano – Panicale
– Isola Polvese – Isola Maggiore
2) Perugia
3) Assisi – Spello
4) Strada del Sagrantino
– Montefalco – Bevagna – Trevi
5) Gubbio



Small villages with medieval and Roman walls or Etruscan families who live in the old generation of stone and brick houses, vineyards, fields of sunflowers, olive groves: Umbria is that and much more.

The rural part of the country dotted with medieval villages, gentle slopes and planted vineyards. Its territory is similar to Toscano especially in the northern part of Umbria, but wilder cared less and characterized by beautiful nature with rock formations.
West Umbria


1) Sul lago
Cose da vedere:
– Castiglione del Lago – Citta della Pieve – Paciano – Panicale
– Isola Polvese – Isola Maggiore
2) Perugia
3) Assisi – Spello
4) Strada del Sagrantino
– Montefalco – Bevagna – Trevi
5) Gubbio
